What's On
Explore the upcoming events, activities and updates on what the PCN is up to, check back regularly to see what events and opportunities are coming up.
Upcoming events

Community Drop-ins
Dorchester Library – 4th Wednesday of every the month – 10am – 12pm
These drop-in sessions are open to everyone within the PCN. Invitations will be sent out on a rolling monthly basis. Each month, the sessions will focus on a different theme, with representation from various local support services.
The focus for February is 'living well'. In addition to the PCN Carers and Social Prescribing Leads, this session will feature representatives from the following organisations:
- Carers Support Dorset
- LiveWell Dorset
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Dorset County Hospital Patient Engagement Team
- Mini health checks by one of our Health Care Assistants
We look forward to welcoming you to this informative and supportive event.