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Childhood Cancer awareness month
2nd Sep

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September marks Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the UK, dedicated to raising awareness about childhood cancers and the challenges faced by young patients and their families. Organised by various charities and health organisations, this month-long campaign aims to highlight the importance of early diagnosis, research, and support for affected children and their loved ones.

Childhood cancer, though relatively rare, remains a significant health issue. Each year in the UK, approximately 1,800 children are diagnosed with cancer, with leukemia, brain tumors, and lymphomas being the most common types. Despite advances in treatment, cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease for children under 15.

Throughout September, landmarks across the country are illuminated in gold, the official color of childhood cancer awareness, symbolizing the courage and resilience of young patients. Fundraising events, social media campaigns, and educational programs are also held to spread knowledge about the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer, which can often be mistaken for less serious illnesses.

One of the primary goals of this awareness month is to drive funding for research. While significant progress has been made, more needs to be done to improve survival rates and minimize the long-term effects of treatment. Charities like CLIC Sargent, Children with Cancer UK, and the Childhood Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) play a pivotal role in supporting research efforts and providing essential services to families.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle faced by young patients and the importance of community support. It encourages everyone to contribute to the fight against childhood cancer, whether through donations, participation in events, or simply spreading the word. By working together, there is hope that one day, all children will have the chance to live healthy, cancer-free lives.

28th Aug

Struggling to see your GP?

General Practice is in crisis. Every surgery across England is struggling to stay open.

We care deeply about our patients, and we know you value the care we provide, especially when you need us most. Primary Care manages most of your health needs, keep you out of the hospital, and always have your best interests at heart. But the NHS is being mismanaged.

Your GP is a highly trained expert, spending over 10 years learning to handle complex issues, recognise serious symptoms, and refer you to specialists when needed.

However, did you know your practice only receives £107.57 per year for each patient, regardless of their health needs? That’s less than the cost of a TV licence.

This amounts to just 30p a day—less than the price of an apple. We believe general practice deserves more NHS funding so we can hire more GPs, deliver the care you need, and make it easier for you to see your GP and practice team.

GPs want what you want: easy access to your family doctor.

General Practice should return to what it once was—a familiar family doctor, offering continuity of care in a surgery filled with friendly faces where you know you’ll receive the care you need.

To find out how you can support your GP Surgery visit - GPs Are On your Side (