Postnatal Services

Follow the timeline below to learn what to expect and when, along with helpful links for additional support and information for both mum and baby.

Post natal milestones
Post natal milestones

Useful information for new parents

 There's a wealth of information and support available for new parents; find a few key resources below.

Caring a baby

NHS guide including everything you need to know about caring for a baby.


Baby's development

Read about baby reviews, teething, potty training, learning and behaviour.

Feeding your baby

Information and support for breastfeeding, bottle feeding, combination feeding and weaning.

Help & Kindness

Help and Kindness is a directory where you can find national and local support, community events, groups, and more.

Rise - Dorchester Arts

Rise is a free 12-week course offering creative and therapeutic activities and tools to support women with Post Natal Depression/Anxiety.

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