Community Occupational Therapist

The PCN Community Occupational Therapist service

An occupational therapist helps people of all ages who have permanent or short-term physical, sensory, mental, or communication challenges. They work to improve their independence, allowing them to take part in activities that matter to them. This is done by identifying and removing barriers in their daily life. Sometimes, even a short intervention from an occupational therapist can prevent hospital admission or long-term injury.

How can our Occupational Therapist help you?

They can help you with practical tasks if you are:

  • Physically disabled.
  • Are recovering from an illness or operation.
  • Have learning disabilities.
  • Have mental health problems.
  • Are getting older.

OT’s, short for Occupational Therapists, are like traditional problem-solvers. They break tasks into parts to understand the surroundings and the activity, making it easier to adjust and achieve the goal.

Who can access the Occupational Therapy Service?

Our Community Occupational Therapist Laura, serves Cerne Abbas, Milton Abbas and Puddletown Surgeries, making this service more accessible for those in our more rural community.

Mid Dorset Occupational Therapy Team

Laura Van Den Akker is our Occupational Therapist and she is supported by Phillipa Mills, our Occupational Therapy Care Co-ordinator.