Bridgit online assessment tool
Your Online Self Help and Assessment Tool
What is Bridgit?
The Bridgit Online Self Help and Assessment Tool is supported by Mid Dorset Primary Care Network and Dorset Council, and has been designed to help you access online help with everything you need in your caring role in one place.

There are 3 sections within the online support system:
- Self-help – Information, guidance, ideas to try, local and national services, and events to attend.
- Health - A space to add health conditions or medications for both you and/or your cared for to view specific health advice and support tools from the NHS.
- Forms - Forms that you can complete for wellness checks, referrals or even carer assessments.
- The online support system also sends out bespoke fortnightly support emailsbased on the areas you have told them you would like support

Click this LINK today to sign up and see what Bridgit can offer you!